RULE #6: Take Care of What You Have

It had finally gotten so bad that I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to clean out my large truck/SUV (it’s a Suburban).

For over a year I had been looking in the rear-view mirror at my grandson’s toddler fingerprints spread generously across the back window. He and his sister and their parents had moved to another state several months earlier and I’d kept the window unwashed as a reminder of their presence in my heart, always with me. Now, finally, I took pictures of one handprint silhouetted by the sun before the glass cleaner wiped it away. And then the cleaning began in earnest.

By the time I finished the interior, exterior, wheels and floors and glass, I was in love with my truck again. Yes, it’s 10 years old. And, yes, I still have a few more payments on it before it’s finally, really mine. But the process of its rejuvenation brought me closer to its attributes and reminded me why I bought it in the first place: the roominess of three rows of seats plus space for the dog…the sturdiness of it…the secure and safe feeling I get while riding in it or driving with my family…the leather interior…the built-in DVD player in the backseat (wish I had that when I was a kid)…the wonderful stereo system for listening to children’s rhyming songs…the way the gray color never shows the dirt… seat heaters…air conditioning…low miles…dependability.

The clean results reminded me that, as long as I take care of this vehicle, inside and outside, this might actually be the last one I ever need to buy. I found comfort in that idea. And it led me to others like it.

  • As long as I take care of my home, it will likely stand longer than I do and the improvements will bring new comfort, generous memories, and improved value.
  • As long as I pay attention to my friendships and family relationships, they can go on and on for as long as one remains.
  • As long as I maintain my gardens with the proper nourishment of soil and fertilizer, the seasons will take the plants from seed to harvest to compost; the growth and beauty will last and expand year after year.
  • As long as I continue to hone my skills and creative talents, my work – whatever it is – will continue to evolve until I my interests change and I choose another direction. Yet my creative nature will always be a part of who I am.
  • As long as I take care of what I have, it will be part of my life.

And by taking care of what I have, I’m sending a message to Universal Intelligence that I’m worthy of more Good. Since I can be trusted to take care of what I already have …whether it’s a personal attribute or a material possession …I believe that other opportunities and wealth of various sorts will come my way …that the richness of life is attracted to what I already possess like metal to a magnet.

It’s said “For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance; but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.” (Matt. 13:12) This finally made sense to me.

Besides, why would we NOT want to take care of what we already have or possess? Financial wisdom dictates that we would want to make last what we have, what we’re using, for as long as we can so that our resources can go further for other purposes. Also I want the people around me to feel welcome and loved, to experience community and interaction. I choose to grow and expand in consciousness of all kinds, in skills of all kinds and levels, and in a variety of interests.

Rule #6: Take care of what you have …brings with it a feeling of gratitude …for all the Good already in your life and what more is sure to come along.

Taking care of this big old truck is like taking care of the precious memories that filled its seats with the laughter and love of my grandchildren. It holds the possibility that one day they will again ride in the back seat, watch one of their old movies, and hear stories about the handprints on the window. Maybe they’ll even remember. I’d welcome that kind of Good – and more – any day!

Rule #1: Consider fully the seeds you plant

It’s summer and, thus, gardening season for me. I spend most early mornings outside with a shovel, dirt, plants, and many ideas. The time with Mother Nature is very healing and also inspiring, providing answers and guidelines by which to live all parts of life. So, today begins my “List of Rules” by which to live and create a life of quality, simplicity, balance, and wholeness.

Gardening (and Life) Rule # 1 : Consider fully the seeds you plant.

Seeds, like thoughts, have far-reaching effects once they take root. I’m not talking about the fleeting thoughts, the ones that are gone as fast as they arrive, but the ones that you continue to mull over in your brain and that take root in your being. You start talking about them with your family and friends or posting them on social media…and then you begin to live them out loud.

By the time you get to the point where you are endorsing your thoughts and ideas with action, I would pray that the effects of your behavior are positive and uplifting rather than hurtful or intrusive.

Years ago I planted a lovely shrub, known as Russian Sage. This plant is drought tolerant, rabbit resistant, and self-propagating. It has oily, light green leaves and stems with small purple flowers similar to lavender, including its scent. The shrub can grow to a height and width of about two feet. And then the baby shrubs start showing up.

Left unattended for the most part, which I did for several years, the baby sage stems expand from the main plant at what seems to be an amazing rate…until at last…they’re growing in the grass, the flower beds, between rocks, and everywhere their underground root system can go.

All of a sudden (not really), this lovely shrub has become an invasive nuisance…simply because I was not paying attention to the way it was manifesting right in front of me. I did nothing about it and it took over. The effort to remove the additional growth as it was happening would have been relatively easy to do. However, after years of rampant expansion and unmonitored growth, digging out the deep and woody roots from the compacted clay takes hours and hours of difficult shoveling and intensive labor.

The same is level of effort is necessary in our human thinking when we discover certain patterns of thought are impacting our lives in unhealthy ways. It’s often hard work. Sometimes we need help.

We may need to have someone point out to us that a behavior or comment we make so casually is actually very hurtful, not funny, or unloving. Sometimes our reasons to “help” someone (especially with adult children) are actually a method to retain control over them. Whatever justification we tell ourselves to stay angry and resentful about something only plants deeper and more painful thorns of hurt around our lonely hearts. Left unchecked, such detrimental thoughts, words, and behaviors will eventually invade all areas of your life with sad and negative results.

The parent shrub I planted years ago was only doing what it was made to do: live, expand, blossom, etc. It did not require assistance from me to grow. Nothing negative about that.  It only became intrusive when I stopped paying attention to its patterns of growth and did nothing to correct it…up until now.

The same is true about a thought. Which ones are you paying attention to? Feeding and nurturing? Or weeding and removing (healing, forgiving) from your consciousness?

When I started this shrub-removal project a few days ago, I swore I’d NEVER plant that sage shrub again. I’ve changed my mind.  I will. I like the plant and the lessons it has provided. It is a “sage” after all. But it will be planted in a container that allows it to grow without becoming invasive and that I can more easily monitor.

Stay vigilant. Be aware. Make the effort to clean up those thoughts that no longer serve your highest Good, your God-Self. Consider fully the seeds you plant.

Finding Home

I find myself in a blissful state of gratitude these days. I’m filled with awe at the grace and abundance all around and in my life. I am surrounded by love and joy and a deep feeling of contentment for who and where I am.

It helps that the latest medical results from an overdue checkup validated what I knew to be true all along, that I am healthy in all areas of recent concern. However, I’ll admit that the confirmation brought a little sigh of relief to my lips and a deeper sense of peace to my mind.

It was in this state of appreciation for my body’s ability to heal itself (with conscious and positive support efforts from my daily habits) that I decided to take the long way home on my drive from the new medical center. I investigated the giant fieldhouse and park under construction on the west side of town. I passed the orange cones in one area, a sign that another road was being resurfaced. I could see raw wood on roofs in a growing subdivision across the valley. And as I drove through the historic part of town, new businesses were announcing their arrival in the community with banners and balloons.

Everywhere I turned there was a sense of growth and new life thriving in all its joyous glory! Perhaps it’s because summer is about to arrive, school is complete for the year, the sun is finally shining after days of clouds and tornado threats, outdoor activities are expanding, or a combination of all of it. I was part of the aliveness and added my own energy to the lovely day.

I have lived in this community almost 20 years. There are still many town events in which I have not participated. My preference has been to stay close to my own neighborhood, shop at the same favorite stores, walk the nearby paths, and listen to the distant highway traffic from the comfort of my lovely deck. This is generally all I need to satisfy the citizen part of me. No need to be in the thick of things. It’s enough to know they’re taking place.

Yet today I felt like I was involved and part of a bigger picture. I joined the throngs of town neighbors to support an annual event in the heart of town. It was a short walk from home. An easy commute. I like that there are times like these when I can say, “Why, I remember when…” and I become part of its history, part of the fabric from which a lovely tapestry is being fashioned. I’m going to do more of this.

No longer do I wish for a different or new place to live. If I want newness or a change of scenery, all I need do is take the long way home and open my eyes. In fact lately I’ve become resistant to ideas of moving or traveling afar; there’s still so much to see and do right here. I long for the presence of family members who have recently moved to other states, but I no longer wish to follow them. I’m not done here yet.

This is where I find sanctuary and rest. This is where I’ve done so much healing and growing, with more to accomplish. This is where I love to explore and have learned to thrive. This is my community. I’m finally home.

R is for Reflection … Spirituality A to Z

This topic of Reflection first brought to my mind the process of looking back: of evaluating past history; noting how far my life has traveled; the experiences of accomplishments and failures; the lessons learned; the wisdom gained; and desires for my future path. All of that is part of what I mean as Reflection. It is why I chose this word as the title for these writings. It’s an ongoing process throughout our lives.

The other Reflection that comes from such a review of the past is how I see myself in the present – in the mirror of self-examination and in the physical world. I am my own worst critic. Maybe we all are. The itty-bitty committee inside my head is full of judgments, criticisms, and verdicts. It pushes me into unrealistic deadlines and perfectionism tendencies. This critic does not rest! It can be a challenge to find balance with the gentler part of me that wants to escape the self-imposed pressures of constantly achieving more and greater expressions of who I am now or on my way to becoming.

I want to see Love in my eyes when I look in the mirror…for myself and others, my life, and the world around me. I want to know that I make a mirror-lg-silverdifference in this lifetime. On most days, I do. And then there are days when I recognize that my personal and spiritual growth is not over yet. There’s much more that I can develop and learn, with the help of Divine Guidance as well as through the individuals around me…my teachers.

We are mirrors for one another. Positive or negative we reflect back that which we put out in the world through our energy, our words and behaviors, our thoughts and beliefs. I recently implemented a new practice where I now have a small mirror with me at all times, especially at my computer. It helps me to stay Spiritually-centered when I notice my facial expressions going awry during a phone conversation or when I’m writing emails about a challenging situation. If my expression in the mirror is angry or fearful, imagine what my voice must sound like or the tone of my emails. That’s not who I truly am. That’s not my God-nature. The small mirror in front of me reminds me of exactly that.

The goal of how I see myself is as a person who, easily and effortlessly, comes first from a place of Divine Love. (I’m getting there.) As happy as I feel most days, I see myself expanding this Joy even more deeply. I’m satisfied to feel Grateful so much of my time. Life is a precious gift not to be wasted or taken for granted. Each moment counts!

My times of Reflection also reveal a great deal of Forgiveness in my life…and this leads to Contentment in every aspect. It’s important to let go of the mental baggage we carry – that which keeps us from growing into a higher expression of ourselves. Contentment is part of not taking things, situations, and people too personally. Release and let go.

Finally, I choose to fill spaces in my Life with Divine Love, Joy, Gratitude, Forgiveness and Contentment. In doing this, I can once more reflect on whether I’m progressing through Life or remaining stuck in some area. All I need do is look in the mirror and my soul tells me what is so. And so it is.

P is for Prayer and Patience … Spirituality A to Z

Here’s what I’ve learned about Prayer: the answer comes in its own time. That’s where Patience enters and is of great value. I’ve heard it said that we receive “all good things in all good time.” Yet there’s a part of me (perhaps in everyone?) that doesn’t like waiting…period. However, waiting can be good for me. There are lessons to be learned.

One of the key things I recognize when I am waiting, seemingly too long, is that perhaps my prayers, my asking for or declaring my Good, have not been specific enough. Sometimes they are not passionate enough. Sometimes I’ve forgotten to pray altogether about that specific thing I desire to experience. I think God should just “know” what I want without my asking and in that I forget the rules of creation. The turmoil I put myself through (I blame my ego for that), while trying to be patient, acts as a trigger – a reminder – that I haven’t done sufficient prayer work. It’s very humbling and necessary to get me back on-track.

praying_concrete_handsWhile one of my personal and ongoing intentions is to live such that my life is a constant prayer, to keep my conscious awareness focused on the Spiritual Reality, on God, I know it is absolutely necessary to pray aloud …to say the words with earnestness. This allows my mind and heart to hear what is inside me seeking to express in the world. Prayer allows my God-self to have a voice in the creation of my life and experiences. Prayer always overcomes the negative or fearful thoughts of an impatient ego self. Prayer drowns out those limiting habits.

A tool that has helped keep me focused on doing consistent prayer work (spiritual treatment) is to maintain a daily “gratitude list.” This list reminds me of all the Good already in my life and which I desire to experience more of…and so I pray for that. This list provides a road map of what I’ve been doing and where I want to go; it helps to set intentions to create more Good in my future…and so I pray to do what I can in the time I have. This list includes the people in my life and their impact on me, to teach me what they came to offer…and so I pray to learn.

As the gratitude list continues through weeks and months and years, I get to see patterns of where I am still stuck and where I’ve grown. I can also see where Patience has played a part – whether I have been serene as life unfolded at its necessary pace or where my ego has messed up the process with its insistent impatience. The lessons are everywhere! The patterns reveal where I have work to do and where I have succeeded. I like success, so I pay attention and pray for more Patience.

Creation and life’s experiences happen at Spirit-speed – whether it takes a microsecond, a decade, or a lifetime to manifest. I know my prayer, the clarity and passion of my words and thoughts, my conviction and beliefs, are all part of the formula for whatever transpires. So I take time to consciously pray each day…to reflect on the progress made in my life and activities through the gentle passage of time.

The combination of Prayer and Patience brings Peace within and many other gifts. I highly recommend the practice…and pray you experience empowering results. And so it is.

H is for Harmony… Spirituality A to Z

I love vocal harmonies…good harmonies…the ones where the notes are sung so perfectly, so precisely, that it sounds like one voice instead of the work of three or four or more singers. I know a little something about such efforts, having been part of amateur choirs and small singing groups throughout the years. It takes dedication, effort, commitment, and repeated practice for the final presentation to sound like it just sails on the wind… the notes floating in and out of the song in synchronistic rhythms with a life of their own.

Spiritual Harmony is that synchronistic rhythm of Life. This type of all-pervading Harmony has within itself a balance and communicHarmony_violinMusication with all aspects of nature, thinking… Life. It’s a kind of invisible guidance system of Creation that allows aspects of Life to work together, coordinate, and flow in the ways intended.

Imagine (just for a moment) the problems that would result if you were in charge of determining the beat of your heart. Let’s say, beginning at age of 18 or 21, the continued operation of that one organ became dependent on YOUR focus and attention… at all times… for the rest of your life. How long do you think you’d be around? How much else would you really be able to accomplish given the all-encompassing nature of this primary responsibility?

Fortunately for all of humankind there’s a Divine Intelligence that takes care of not only this one little matter in our lives, but all other situations, concerns, challenges, and creative endeavors, where Harmony is of primary importance. I, for one, am extremely grateful for the freedom this provides my life.

I don’t have to think of my heartbeat, my blood-flow, my organ functions, digesting my food, eliminating excess or toxins from my system, etc. I don’t worry about whether the sun is going to shine, the planets are making their rotation, the seasons are going to change, or a baby knows how to grow from an egg to adult…human or animal. I also don’t need to be intimately concerned (or controlling) about what other people are doing, the long-term state of our economy, or government disagreements. All of these events unfold in their own perfect timing, in Harmony within themselves, as they need to… and most of the time, in Harmony with what’s going on around them, if we just look to see how synchronistic everything really is. Usually, we can see this very clearly when we look back years later.

Harmony is like breathing…a give and take…a cooperative effort. It’s the flow of Life. You can try to stop it – hold your breath – butHarmony_zenGardenPath eventually you will surrender because Principle is more powerful than you are. The longer you obstruct it or get in the way, the more you will experience less-than desirable effects. However, when you’re in that flow, that blissful place of perfect unfoldment, the power of God takes hold and life and circumstances come about with no conscious effort or decisions on your part – like a heartbeat.

Spiritual Harmony is a beautiful thing to behold and experience. Things work out… eventually… for the Highest Good of all. It takes faith and trust on our part to get our “bloated nothingness” [Emerson] out of the way and allow, accept, or even welcome Divine Harmony to express in our lives. We can set in motion an intention of our own creation, do our part, and then let go to see how Spirit [God] works to create our desire.

Frankly, Spirit has a better track record with Harmony and this whole creation process than I ever will. So I’ll take care of what’s mine to do, sing my part, and let the “Conductor” run the performance of my life. And so it is.

E is for Effect… Spirituality A to Z

Once more, here we go…Ask, Believe, Choice, Decide and then comes the Effect, the result of the first four Spiritual Principles. We can go from A to E in a matter of seconds or take years to see our “asking” come into manifestation or form. The process is known as the Law of Cause and Effect.

Effect does not make itself and always follows Cause (the first four steps, A-D). Effect is created through the power behind it, bringing it into fruition. As stated in the Science of Mind textbook, “Everything which we see, touch, taste, feel, hear or sense with the physical senses is an effect.” Effect, that which shows up in our physical, visible world, is a result of our intentions (conscious or not) powered by the invisible, Divine Intelligence of creation. The invisible into the visible…what we see comes from what we do not.

While this process is often identified with things we can see and use in the physical world (stuff), the same steps can be used for those intentions and goals that are not so concrete… such as a healthier relationship, a new attitude, a different job, and the like. Such “things” are very real to us and yet they are not made up of anything we can put our hands on, nothing of the material world.

For example, I heard the story of a young man who moved from one state to another, looking for a fresh start. One of his intentions (Cause) in the new location was to work a retail job that was unique to anything he’d done before, but something he’d always wanted to do. He established an intention before moving. Within 48 hours after arrival to his new address, he was working in his field of choice (Effect).

Recently, I had the opportunity to visit family members I hadn’t seen or even talked too much in a few years. I went with the intention (Cause) of experiencing a healing of the angst that had existed between us far too long. While I pride myself with being able to communicate with nearly anyone, I was unable to say anything without getting a defensive or angry reaction from this person. What little I said was based in Truth, Principle and a desire for greater understanding and cooperation. Alas, such was not going to happen.

As I listened to the tidal wave of emotions spewed in my direction, I saw the deep fear of a wounded ego behind the words. In that moment, realizing it was not really about me (I was just the target of choice for that day), I felt a deep, loving compassion for this person. All the frustration I had held, up until that moment, just slipped away like black ooze down the sewer drain. And I smiled as my heart opened to allow a greater understanding to enter my being. I experienced a healing in an unexpected way and my soul filled with joy (Effect).

I have seen and experienced how the Law of Cause and Effect works with unwavering certainty. What we declare in our thoughts, words or habits, especially those done repeatedly over time, will without a doubt manifest in our lives according to our declarations and beliefs.

  • If you think you’re never going to be successful in business, the Law agrees… that is what you will create.
  • If you say you’re never going to have a meaningful, loving relationship, the Law agrees… that is what you will create.
  • If you intend to be proficient at playing the piano or working a computer, the Law agrees… that is what you will create.
  • If you believe your life is filled with happy events and all you need for a satisfying and rich experience, the Law agrees…that is what you will create.

The longer you hold in consciousness, in your own mind and heart, what it is you want/intend to experience or create, and hold it with passion and clarity, the faster Law (God) can bring that into your life. But if you keep changing your mind, or don’t really know what you want, then what you will tend to experience are pieces, close-calls, or a hodge-podge of what the final result could be.

I think getting Clarity about what I really want to experience is sometimes the most difficult part of the formula. The Law of Cause and Effect works with amazing accuracy and perfect timing. It must bring back to you what you put out into the ethers, the energy, of creation. The Law has no choice but to obey your direction. It’s up to you to determine the intention (steps A through D), do your part of the creative cycle, and expect only the Good to show up in your life. Look for the Good and be Grateful when you see it.

God never fails me. God never fails you. We fail ourselves. But we can also correct that – at any moment…and the next…and the next. Start right now! What you focus on…in consciousness… with your words… in your daily habits or actions… what you focus on WILL grow into manifestation in the physical world. And so it is.

Things That Make Me Smile

This writing is somewhat of a list … of Things That Make Me Smile. I offer it as a starting point, an exercise, for you to consider what brings a smile to your life. These are listed in no particular order of importance – they’re ALL important. Fortunately, many are repeated from time to time, so I get to smile quite often…

  • watching my dog fiercely shake her toy and then how she eagerly waits to play the “go fetch” game with us
  • how my granddaughter negotiates with anyone to achieve her personal desires (I think she’s going to be a lawyer)
  • the pine tree that has re-grown needles on its top branches when we thought it was diseased and might need spraying. Instead, it just needed to be fed and watered more; recovering quite nicely
  • my husband’s facial expression when he discovers a stash of coins he’d forgotten about, all neatly separated into socks but lost in the closet or basement in a box of “treasures”
  • meeting friends for dinner and conversation or going out of town to visit them
  • listening to my dad’s jokes or stories of when he was a kid; reveling in his memories
  • getting lost in that meditation state when hand-watering the garden plants and trees
  • being greeted at the airport by grandchildren running toward me with open arms
  • noticing in myself what gets me in a tizzy and how I sometimes react to things I don’t like or want to do (but need to do them anyway)
  • being in the presence of a student when “the light goes on” – when a new awareness is suddenly realized
  • reading about a homeopathic remedy I can use for myself and discovering I have all the ingredients at-hand (this usually happens after 11:00 p.m.)
  • discovering the number “hits” this blog is getting continues to increase each week (thank you!)
  • noticing a plant has survived and is blossoming in the garden when I thought it was gone forever
  • experiencing the synchronicity of Spirit and life unfolding in absolutely perfect timing, making, what could have been an especially stressful time, one filled with ease and grace and love
  • seeing a photograph of a grandchild or hearing about them doing something I taught them or shared with them, not knowing if they would even remember
  • having coffee and prayers with my husband on the deck under the morning’s full moon and summer breeze

This and so much more are things that make me smile…and fill my heart with huge waves of gratitude. What makes YOU smile today?

A Persistent Muse

The other day I woke up with such excitement about an idea, I couldn’t remember if I’d actually had any sleep the previous night. It was as if my creative subconscious had been busy putting together pieces of an idea that had been brewing in my brain for about five years…and now it was time to DO something about it!

I’m sure this brain activity was triggered by a frustrating accident of sorts a few days earlier. During the clean-up phase after a community event, the entry door became inaccessible. In itself, this was no big deal. However, in the event room behind the timer-locked door were the equipment pieces from the evening’s activities, burning candles (in a tray of sand), and my purse. Fortunately, I had my truck key in-hand. Also, I had heeded Spirit’s voice and left my cell phone in the truck earlier that evening. Yet, I was quite disturbed that I could not retrieve my purse, wallet, identification, etc.

After pacing for several moments, listening to the committee voices in my head, leaving messages for the building’s owner, and peeking through a small window to be sure the candles would pose no threat to the premises, I reluctantly left my possessions behind. I deduced that, since the timer-locked door could not be opened now, it certainly wouldn’t be opened during the night. Resolved that my purse would be safe, I committed myself to return at dawn when the door would once more unlock itself.

Enter the Purse Muse

It’s no surprise that my creative subconscious should be formulating a design for my perfect handbag. I’ve been searching for it in stores andhandbag-purse boutiques for years, reluctantly settling for an “almost” version time and again that I thought would satisfy my needs. Alas, none met the challenge. So, with the near-loss of an “almost” version fresh in my mind, the Purse Muse appeared to solve the challenge.

I awoke with a pattern and overall design clearly placed in my awakened consciousness. My first task was to visit a local drug store to see if there was a container that could provide the basic size and shape of the untested design. I found it! With my purchase in-hand, I quickly transferred my possessions from my “almost” purse to this new container as a trial-run to see if it would actually meet my needs. I’d been fooled before by the purse fairies. I was going to take it slow this time until there was no doubt about the validity of this inspiration.

It took only one day to prove I was being led toward a viable design. Could it be true? After all these years, was I finally nearing the end of my search for the perfect handbag? I could wait no longer.

The next morning I rummaged through my bin of fabric remnants, gathered up old purses meant for the donation bin, set up my sewing machine, and sketched out the rudimentary design for my ultimate carry-all. It’s a good thing I’ve been sewing and crafting for decades…and am fairly good at puzzles. Nevertheless, after five hours of obsessive, creative intensity (one hour for each year of searching?), I had fashioned and pieced together a handbag that is now my favorite fashion piece. It’s functional, practical, stylish and affordable…made just for me!

Already a granddaughter wants me to make one for her. My work-aholic nature wants to put the design into mass production. I’d just like to make another one (a fall/winter version) for myself.

Meanwhile, I feel such complete satisfaction to have followed the creative inspiration of the Purse Muse from the eye-opening idea to a final, artistic piece…and to have fulfilled a longing that only my skills and talents could do. I listened to the Voice of Creation and the final result was as crystal clear as the vision from whence it was born. And so it is always.

Making Contact

I’m thinking about getting a new phone. It’s been well over two years and I’m due for an upgrade. I’ve also convinced myself that it would be easier to see what I’m doing if the screen was bigger.  Really, I just want a newer phone. Before I head off to the cell phone store, however, I’ve given quite a bit of my attention, time and effort to going through the contacts list on my phone…and my computer…and my internet email account. I want to be sure my contacts are cleaned up, accurate … and then backup the contact list on my phone to another location that is off my phone.

I have a lot of contacts. Due to some magical mistake made during my previous phone upgrade, the technician (or me) managed to double my phone’s contact list. I ended up with over 948 records. I never counted them. I never bothered to clean up my phone’s contact list…until today.

So far I’ve been able to get the list down to 729 726 contacts on my phone. I have another 284 names in my internet account. Some are probably duplicates. Apparently, even with today’s technological advances, getting a phone’s contact list to sync to one or two other depository locations is not an easy proposition. It’s far easier on the spy TV shows than in real life. Even after a trip to the phone store with questions about my situation, the best they could do was reassure me that I wasn’t crazy about what I was trying to do. The only thing is, the process only works one way …not both.

Why all this trouble? Why is it so important?Old_dial_phone

First, I truly value the names that appear on all my various contact lists and I want them to be accurate. They wouldn’t be there unless there was a reason to include them. At one time or another, each name was added with the intent of staying in touch, reaching out, having a conversation. Sometimes it happened…other times, not so much. After years of no communication, I’ve simply forgotten who some of these people are. Quite honestly, if I haven’t contacted them by now (or they, me), it’s highly unlikely it’ll happen any time in the near future.

I didn’t mean to forget their names or the experiences we shared. The entries that were deleted weren’t all personal friends. The list is a combination of customers from a long-ago business, board members of a company where I used to work, recruiters for companies where I applied for jobs, people who visited our church, classmates from college, or someone I found interesting at a party and thought I would contact later. Some of these names have been on my list a really l–o–n–g time. I didn’t want to let them go. But holding on to forgotten memories was serving no one.

The only way we ever grow is to let go of what is holding us back. The best way to lift up our consciousness is to release the weight of what is keeping us down. Whenever we create a void in life, God/Spirit is more than happy to fill it – usually with something better than we had previously. Sometimes that means deleting names from an old phone list or cleaning the clutter from a life of overwhelm. Other times, it means forgiving ourselves (and others) for saying or doing things we may not even remember properly or fairly.

In all cases, it requires us to be in the present moment…to appreciate what we have here and now…to focus on the Good. As long as I stay in gratitude for the life that is mine, for the friends and family to whom I’m connected, for the gifts I’m given or work long and hard for …as long as I stay in gratitude, everything that’s important will be provided…and more!

I rest assured, knowing that my communication with God is a two-way and direct call, if I but listen to that still, small voice within…no phone required.