X is for “X factor”… Spirituality A to Z

While we may sometimes think of “X” as something to indicate stopping or a form of blockage, the meaning behind “X” has long been for me one of crossing-over or becoming something new. Recently, however, its meaning has reached even more significance. Perhaps you can relate to it as well.

Years ago I learned to use the capital letter “X” to mean “trans” whenever I was taking notes. Thus, words became Xportation, Xlation, Xfix or Xcription. This connotation can also be applied to words such as Xcendence and Xformation.  When I Xition it to the Spiritual realm, the meaning of “X” takes on a more powerful meaning.

The idea of “X” as representing a crossing-over (one form to another) is still apparent in my mind, but there’s something more. I see a movement of thought that is increasingly similar to multiplication. In fact, when I learned the multiplication tables in school, we often used a small “x” to indicate the exponential increase of two numbers. For example, 2 x 3 = 6 or 473 x 29 = 13,717. One little symbol that increases wherever it is applied.

When I use the big “X” to fill in for part of a word, it now represents a larger concept of that word, too. Transcendence (Xcendence) is not just going beyond or rising above, it’s GOING BEYOND!!! RISING ABOVE!! Somehow, using the “X factor” takes the root of the word to a whole new and expansive level.

The same is true for Xformation. There’s a lot more to it than what this word alone implies. I’m talking about a significant and revolutionary evolution that is worth noting. Something new and wonderful is being birthed, whether it’s an idea, a way of doing things, a project or goal, or a new way of expressing in the world. It is a crossing-over from past to future ways of being or form. It’s emerging from what was to what can be. That’s an exciting prospect!

It takes trust and sometimes great courage to initiate change from what has always been to an invisible future possibility of greater proportions. Anytime we add this “X factor” of movement, of going in another direction, we are faced with leaving something behind. That can be a part of us we choose to change, a habit we want to break, or a new way of living we want to experience, leaving behind the old. The cycle of life is apparent everywhere.

What is it for you? What part of you have you been thinking of expanding to a greater degree? Where in your life would you like to see it multiplied by “X”?

The letter “X” is no longer just a couple of well-placed sticks crossing each other. This is a symbol of movement and growth. It can be applied anywhere you can imagine. Play in the realm of possibilities. Your ideas expand in “X” ways and times. Just imagine!

U is for Unification … Spirituality A to Z

Unification is an interesting word. It brings to my mind the ideas of connection, harmony, and just plain ol’ getting along with one another about things. This getting-along idea can be from something as simple as agreeing with someone about where to go for lunch…or…the next step in the vision of creating a corporation.

The concept of Unification – or unifying – does not mean we all do things the same way, with the same intensity, or via the same methods or skills. It does mean that we hold in consciousness a common purpose, vision or goal. It means we’re walking the same highway (bigger than a path) toward a greater expression of who we are and what we intend to accomplish. It means we do our best toward a common goal. It means the whole is greater than the individual parts. And Unification lends itself to having objectivity about the union.

When people connect or come together to work on a project, the object of their attention is what unifies them. For example, when I’ve had the opportunity to sing with an experienced choir or group, the song and its harmonies are where the attention is placed. It’s not about me or the person next to me or the musicians who support the singers. The song is the focus. The notes are what holds the song together and every person to the song. When all are striving for Unification, each singer performs their part with passion and skill; each is uniquely qualified for what they’re contributing to the whole piece. The perfect result is the quality of the song coming from such combined and passionate talents.

When everyone contributes for the highest and best of the desired music, the results are positive and the notes are glorious. It touches people’s hearts and emotions. It unifies the musicians and singers to the audience. The energy is palpable. It can bring people to tears and joy. We are connected in that moment. Unified in Spirit and song…hoping it will go on indefinitely. No one wants it to end!

However, there are times when we get in the way of this perfection and unity and the circle of Life unfolding. Emerson said we are to “…take our bloated nothingness out of the path of the divine circuits.” Good advice.

When we share a project with others, there’s likely to be someone in charge, someone who is directing or has the “big picture” in mind and can guide each person toward its final creation. This dynamic takes cooperation and surrender on everyone’s part, in turn. It means stepping up to do your share or assisting others to do theirs. I love collaborating with passionate and inspiring people to create something so much bigger or greater than I could imagine on my own, and have their positive input and assistance in the endeavor as well.

Yet even if we’re creating a project on our own in the privacy of our minds or the solace of a solitary space, there must be a unifying effort with the Divine Spirit within. I find my personal projects, goals, and dreams have a much higher success rate when I listen to the “still small voice within” to guide me…rather than my bloated ego.

Unification is indeed about harmony and cooperation. It’s about staying connected to a guiding Presence for a greater Good. Unity of one another. Unity with the One.


T is for Time … Spirituality A to Z

There’s no way I could look at the letter “T” and not think about Time as part of Spirituality.

I was reminded today about letting go of the pressures we place on ourselves toward achieving goals, completing projects, or meeting deadlines. Instead, it’s about creating an attitude of relying on the Universal Flow of Life to achieve all that is needed for our greatest Good…in Spirit Speed. This can be a difficult pill to swallow, especially if you’re determined to accomplish certain things by certain ages of life. It is for me.

I’m not sure exactly when it started, but I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with Time. I love it when I have more than I need or expect, and hate it when there doesn’t seem to be enough. Of course, this is totally ludicrous. Every second, minute, hour, and day are exactly the same length for every one of us. It’s what we stuff inside those allotments or leave empty that determine our level of foolishness in dealing with Time.

It’s easy for me to recognize when I’m going over the crazy edge of trying to do too much in too little Time or for too long a Time (that workaholic tendency). There are obvious signs of frustration: conciseness in my conversations; deep breaths to calm myself; spinning or moving from one project to another; being easily distracted to the point that I don’t accomplish as much as I could if I just focused on one task at a Time…to completion.

I have clocks in every room. Time is noted on the computer, the cell phone, and in the car. Rarely do I go anywhere without a watch on my clockwrist. My weekly presentations are rehearsed and all segments are well-planned to meet the expectations of Sunday’s service staying within the 60-minute hour. In a culture that seems to thrive on short attention spans and instant gratification, the idea of long walks, leisurely lunches, long-term projects, or relaxing vacations can seem almost foreign to many people, including me. Such ideas of balance and rest actually bring more anxiety as my mind tries to “catch up” with what I’m not doing in a moment of relaxation.

The truth is the concept of Time will be around long after I’ve left this too-busy craziness. My greatest triumph over Time is to have as much of it and for as long as I can. While I agree with George Bernard Shaw in being “…totally used up when I die…,” I would prefer not to accelerate the process. As I seek a more balanced life in the variety of activities I pursue (or not), that includes how much Time and energy I spend on each of them.

There are moments when I see the futility of trying to force Life into being what I demand it to be rather than seeing it for what it is: a beautiful series of unfolding moments filled with wonder and connection, love and joy, and the completion of those things that are most important in that moment or stage of life…they do get done…everything in its own Time by the hands doing the work. The rest is finished in Spirit Speed.

S is for Spirit & Space … Spirituality A to Z

Whether it’s the beginning of a new year or a new day, the awareness of new moments in life allows us to connect with the Divine Space within…also known as Spirit or God.

Even if that pause is but a microsecond of time, such a pause in consciousness allows us the opportunity to birth a new way of thinking. I’ve noticed that I can fill that pause, that space, with joy, love, awe, gratitude or wonder… or something else. I can choose to bask in this space of Spiritual connection or skip over it and ignore its existence.

Years ago I didn’t even know such a space existed. As I’ve become more aware of the Divine Energy that is me at my deepest core, the void where Spirit lives has expanded and continues to do so. There’s a part of me that notices my God-Self getting bigger and in control of my thinking processes. It’s moving aside more of my ego-self, replacing survival instincts with eternal knowing. Fear is losing ground to Faith and Trust.

I like this change in control. I’m now aware that my life is directed with a positive power that creates for my highest and best good. As I learn to pause in the Spiritual space, the void of creation, and listen for Divine Guidance to speak through me and direct my worldly actions, I live with no regrets. I have more confidence in the decisions I make and feel the Presence of God supporting my every step.

It’s only when I get in the way of this Infinite Intelligence that life goes awry. When I don’t take the time to pause and be aware of that still small voice – whether to move forward in a new direction or to wait longer for the proper moment – that’s when I question my actions. It’s then that I notice, sometimes too late, other options that would have been far better for my life and the people around me.

Just as there is space between musical notes, garden crops, atoms, and the stars and planets, we need to have space in our thinking and in our lives. It provides room for Spirit to live. It allows ideas to expand and come into form. Space gives us time to rest and a sense of peace. Space provides balance and freedom of movement …to turn around and see where we’ve come from as well as where we’re going.

There is no such thing as wasted space or negative space. It serves a vital purpose in creation. Space is where ideas are born. It’s where God is. The more room I make for Spirit in my life, the bigger my life and my consciousness becomes. Oh, happy day!

Q is for the Quality and Quiet of Qi … Spirituality A to Z

As anyone who plays Scrabble will attest, the sooner you learn a good number of valid “Q” words, the better your score can be. I am still learning. Thus, I was pleasantly surprised to find hundreds of “Q” words on one particular website, including a link to each one’s definition. Score!

The discovery certainly provides a Quality and Quiet Qi (energy)…a calm self-confidence…an improved inner knowing…and an increased enthusiasm to play Scrabble.

This same calm, confident energy can be found through a solid connection with the Divine Power (God) within. As a matter of fact, the feeling I have at the sight of this “Q” word list is very similar to the way I feel at the completion of a powerful prayer session (spiritual mind treatment).

When I think about anything of Quality it connotes something enduring and stable; something made of the highest materials, created with dedication to the art of its creation, and imbued with love. I think that’s how we (humans) were all created in God’s “mind” from the very beginning. God don’t make junk.

Unfortunately, there are times when we get pretty adept at defacing the beautiful living artwork we are. For some it takes reaching nearly self-destructing levels before reconstruction is seen as an option and the process is reversed. Hopefully, before it’s too late. Some people never see the wonder of who they are and spend their lives down-playing their talents, listening to negative comments (from their own minds or the words of others), and being less than the magnificent beings they could actually be. Yet, even in this version of expression, they are teachers to those around them. Without saying a word we are capable of instructing and learning through our very essence.

It is in this Quiet that we learn to know ourselves and determine what we are willing to know of others. It is in this Quiet that we make decisions, determine our beliefs, set our intentions, and grow into the image of who we think we are. It is where we become us.

Also, it is in this Quiet that we best connect with our Divine Intelligence and Power. Here is where our soul is fed and our heart finds warmth and rest from the challenges of the world. The Quiet (aka stillness) is a powerful place to reside. Anyone who meditates knows the magic of this blissful realm.

Qi-symbolMeditation and prayer are wonderful tools to enhance your Qi (aka chi) – the essence of you. This inner self is the ethereal energy or life force that is with us forever. You can strengthen your Qi through having a Quality connection to God and spending daily periods in Quiet contemplation. Not only will your Spiritual life benefit from such practices, but your emotional life will deepen and your physical life will attract greater Good.

Quality. Quiet. Qi. Three great “Q” words to succeed in life.


K is for Kindness… Spirituality A to Z

I remember how uplifted I was the first time I saw a bumper sticker that displayed these words: “Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.” It was in the mid-1980s and I had recently moved to Colorado. The words were on many cars in Boulder and I enjoyed being reminded to offer these efforts.

Actually, this phrase is attributed to Anne Herbert. She is said to have written it on a placemat in a California restaurant (in the early-1980s). Now there are millions of bumper stickers, a non-profit foundation and website (listed below), a Wikipedia page, and multiple internet references on how people can go about doing random kindness for one another. That’s a good thing.

Kindness is inherent in all humanity. We might need to be reminded about the importance of practicing it in our lives…on a regular and on-going basis. I’m fortunate to remember it every day. My life is filled with so many people doing Kind acts for one another. Sometimes I get to be the recipient of such Kindness and, at other times, I get to pay it forward. I find it the most fun when Kindness can be done for someone without them knowing who provided it…like a wonderful surprise gift!

I’ve noticed a few social media postings in past weeks where young adults are providing a number of acts of Kindness on their birthdays – one for eachKindness_two_girls of their years of life. A celebration of Kindness! As my years have significantly added up, I’m not sure I could do that many Kind acts all in one day. Thus, I’ve decided to do at least one or two purposeful ones EVERY day…in secret or otherwise…and see what effect it has on the people around me, whether I know them or not.

In order to get some ideas and not keep repeating the SAME Kind acts all the time, I visited a couple of websites for inspiration. And I was inspired!! You might be, too. Take a look at these and see what Kind acts come to your mind:





What I’ve noticed, is that when you start looking to see what Good you can do, what Kindness you can offer, you see more of that Good, more of God, showing up in your world. We don’t need to wait for the holidays before we send a donation, lend a hand, or offer a smile. People can use our help or just a Spiritual uplift any day. We can always do more.

The thing is, what you give out, comes back…in some manner…from somewhere. This is a reciprocal Universe; it works in circles. As you give, you receive. Give from your Divine Source those aspects of yourself that have no limit…such as Kindness…Joy…Love… and so forth. The only time such parts of you stop is because the human or ego part of you quits…because you think you’ve done enough or have no more to give. That’s not true. The God-self of you never stops wanting to do more Good.

Open your heart and your mind to the Kindness within you. Tap into that Source right now and Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty. You’ll be uplifted from the uplifting…I guarantee it.

J is for Joy!… Spirituality A to Z

There are numerous ways to stir the Joy within…which we also may call Happiness. Joy is all that, yet a more deep-rooted, more soul-based kind of Happy. Joy is the delight that comes from within and bubbles up on its own. Joy needs no prompting or stimulation to experience. Joy just is.

I’m happy to say that Joy is my authentic nature. And I know it’s the God-nature of everyone, but sometimes we need to look long and hard to see it expressed within ourselves or through other individuals. They may not have found it yet…their natural state of being…Joy…Happiness…Delight.

I once was married to someone who actually got irritated with me because I woke up happy and glowing every morning. I was delighted to be alive and looked forward to the possibilities the day held in store for me. And even though he acted sullen and spewed ridicule in my direction during many of those early morning hours, it did not detract me from staying in a gleeful state. I simply left the house earlier (to go to work). After several years, I left the marriage. The Joy remains.

The difference between being Happy and being Joyful is expressed in numerous ways. Maybe you can relate to some of these examples:

  • Happy – listening to a favorite song on the radio
  • Joyful – listening to a favorite song on the radio and clapping along and moving your body to the rhythm because you have to…and it doesn’t matter who sees you bee-bopping in the car!
  • Happy – noticing your grandchild walk up the driveway as he or she comes for a visit
  • Joyful – noticing your grandchild is now mimicking one of your behaviors…a good one
  • Happy – planting a tree or an herb in your yard or garden
  • Joyful – discovering that what you planted early in the season, while it seemed dead for awhile, actually survived and is growing strong
  • Happy – laying down to rest after a long and productive day, feeling good about what you did
  • Joyful – waking up from a deep and restful sleep, eager to start a new day, a new beginning

Joy is a state of mind, a way of being. It expresses in varied ways…as an eternal Light of God that never goes out, no matter how we try to cover it up with our problems or grumpiness. Joy continues to shine its rays of Happiness and Delight until, finally, we open our eyes to its presence and radiate a Spiritual glow out into our world.

Thank you, God, for this glorious gift! Amen.

E is for Effect… Spirituality A to Z

Once more, here we go…Ask, Believe, Choice, Decide and then comes the Effect, the result of the first four Spiritual Principles. We can go from A to E in a matter of seconds or take years to see our “asking” come into manifestation or form. The process is known as the Law of Cause and Effect.

Effect does not make itself and always follows Cause (the first four steps, A-D). Effect is created through the power behind it, bringing it into fruition. As stated in the Science of Mind textbook, “Everything which we see, touch, taste, feel, hear or sense with the physical senses is an effect.” Effect, that which shows up in our physical, visible world, is a result of our intentions (conscious or not) powered by the invisible, Divine Intelligence of creation. The invisible into the visible…what we see comes from what we do not.

While this process is often identified with things we can see and use in the physical world (stuff), the same steps can be used for those intentions and goals that are not so concrete… such as a healthier relationship, a new attitude, a different job, and the like. Such “things” are very real to us and yet they are not made up of anything we can put our hands on, nothing of the material world.

For example, I heard the story of a young man who moved from one state to another, looking for a fresh start. One of his intentions (Cause) in the new location was to work a retail job that was unique to anything he’d done before, but something he’d always wanted to do. He established an intention before moving. Within 48 hours after arrival to his new address, he was working in his field of choice (Effect).

Recently, I had the opportunity to visit family members I hadn’t seen or even talked too much in a few years. I went with the intention (Cause) of experiencing a healing of the angst that had existed between us far too long. While I pride myself with being able to communicate with nearly anyone, I was unable to say anything without getting a defensive or angry reaction from this person. What little I said was based in Truth, Principle and a desire for greater understanding and cooperation. Alas, such was not going to happen.

As I listened to the tidal wave of emotions spewed in my direction, I saw the deep fear of a wounded ego behind the words. In that moment, realizing it was not really about me (I was just the target of choice for that day), I felt a deep, loving compassion for this person. All the frustration I had held, up until that moment, just slipped away like black ooze down the sewer drain. And I smiled as my heart opened to allow a greater understanding to enter my being. I experienced a healing in an unexpected way and my soul filled with joy (Effect).

I have seen and experienced how the Law of Cause and Effect works with unwavering certainty. What we declare in our thoughts, words or habits, especially those done repeatedly over time, will without a doubt manifest in our lives according to our declarations and beliefs.

  • If you think you’re never going to be successful in business, the Law agrees… that is what you will create.
  • If you say you’re never going to have a meaningful, loving relationship, the Law agrees… that is what you will create.
  • If you intend to be proficient at playing the piano or working a computer, the Law agrees… that is what you will create.
  • If you believe your life is filled with happy events and all you need for a satisfying and rich experience, the Law agrees…that is what you will create.

The longer you hold in consciousness, in your own mind and heart, what it is you want/intend to experience or create, and hold it with passion and clarity, the faster Law (God) can bring that into your life. But if you keep changing your mind, or don’t really know what you want, then what you will tend to experience are pieces, close-calls, or a hodge-podge of what the final result could be.

I think getting Clarity about what I really want to experience is sometimes the most difficult part of the formula. The Law of Cause and Effect works with amazing accuracy and perfect timing. It must bring back to you what you put out into the ethers, the energy, of creation. The Law has no choice but to obey your direction. It’s up to you to determine the intention (steps A through D), do your part of the creative cycle, and expect only the Good to show up in your life. Look for the Good and be Grateful when you see it.

God never fails me. God never fails you. We fail ourselves. But we can also correct that – at any moment…and the next…and the next. Start right now! What you focus on…in consciousness… with your words… in your daily habits or actions… what you focus on WILL grow into manifestation in the physical world. And so it is.

C is for Choice… Spirituality A to Z

C is for Choice … and has been my favorite Spiritual aspect of Life for many years. We have so many choices! The only limitations are those we place on ourselves. Even NOT making a specific or direct choice is making one. NOT having a CHOICE is NOT an option. Isn’t that great? That means there’s no excuse not to be involved in what kind of life you ultimately enjoy or experience and how you respond (react) to it. You choose.

When you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice. – William James

I suppose I could stop there. I mean, really, how much is there to say about Choice? Actually, I can’t say enough about it! It’s been the foundation for my life’s direction and creation for so long – my underlying mantra – my driving force and inspiration – that it deserves more than just a short paragraph. I believe so deeply in the freedom of Choice and live it so passionately, that it’s actually irritated folks I know from time to time. They get tired of me saying, “You can do _____ OR you can do _____ OR ….”

Every man builds his world in his own image. He has the power to choose, but no power to escape the necessity of choice. – Ayn Rand

Mostly, I think, the reason for the upset is because I don’t buy into being stuck…there’s a choice for everything:  job, home, relationship, attitude, religious focus, hair color… the list is endless. There’s no reason to feel trapped. Each experience brings with it the opportunity to make a Choice each step of the way. Each Choice brings with it a consequence (good or bad). One Choice at a time, Life unfolds before us and lays down the path on which we tread.

Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and choice, is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim. – Aristotle

Perhaps the biggest Choice to make is what we “think” about anything, especially our attitudes and beliefs. No matter how hard our parents tried…no matter how hard we try with our children or grandchildren… with our spouse or anyone else for that matter… we can’t be told or dictated to about what to think. The mind, if nothing else, is the one sacred space we call our very own. The secrets of our mind are safe behind sealed lips. Let not the eyes betray us. We have the Choice to think thoughts based in positive energy and Universal flow, or to sink to depths that would require lengthy ropes to pull us out. Still, it is a Choice.

We need to teach the next generation of children from day one that they are responsible for their lives. Mankind’s greatest gift, also its greatest curse, is that we have free choice. We can make our choices built from love or from fear. – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

With such a powerful tool at your disposal, where do you direct your Choice? Perhaps, it’s how you will use your time… what approach you will take to getting well… who you will share your life with… where you will go to school or on vacation… what attitude you will bring to work today… what priorities you will address in any given moment. Does Choice not offer the most incredible opportunities to create a life uniquely your own?

A life lived of choice is a life of conscious action. A life lived of chance is a life of unconscious creation. – Neale Donald Walsch

Choice, when done with Love behind and through it, for the highest Good of yourself and what you can offer to the world, is a gift of God beyond compare! It’s pure, Divine Intelligence speaking to us as that still, small Voice. Listen well…and choose with Love.

B is for Belief… Spirituality A to Z

For the next few writings, I will focus on one word or phrase of spiritual significance and offer a New Thought perspective on the topic…from A to Z. If you have any particular words or phrases you would like to offer for a topic, feel free to send them to my church email address:   [email protected].

B is for Belief and closely follows the “A = Ask” idea offered in the previous writing. Belief or Faith can come in a second of recognition or result from experiences over time.

One of the key questions in life is to ask yourself:  What do I believe or where do I place my faith?

We can believe in people, facts, opinions, philosophies or principles – whether that principle is physical, universal or religious. The options are varied and subject to change throughout our lives. Perhaps that is why it is a good idea to examine your beliefs from time to time; they change. Yet, your beliefs create your experiences and your life.

To begin this topic, take a look at two Biblical references where Jesus states that what has been done is due to a person’s belief (Matt. 8:13 and Matt. 9:29). I’ve often paraphrased these writings by saying, “It is done unto you as you believe.” Frankly, I believe and know this to be true. It’s very similar to a Science of Mind (SOM) statement often taught in classes: “What you focus on grows!” Where you put your attention, will increase or grow – whether in importance or substance. It HAS to!

Let me give you a simple example. For most of my adult female life I’ve wanted to experience having long and beautiful fingernails – my own, not the plastic or artificial variety. Yet, my patience usually ran out before the nails could grow…or …the type of activities I was doing would damage what was there… or…my diet was poor and they split and peeled and broke… or …I gnawed them into oblivion …up until now.

19608359-beautiful-womans-hand-with-perfect-nail-french-manicureFinally, after decades of sporadic consciousness and limited attention, everything is in alignment when it comes to my fingernails. I’m eating properly and taking added calcium. I’m cautious about projects that require “heavy lifting” or can be rough on my hands. I’m no longer in a profession where short nails are required. My stress is handled differently than chewing on my appendages. And I pay regular attention to their care, maintenance and beauty. My focus on this one aspect of my physical beingness has allowed my body to produce a desired intention. I believe I can grow fingernails long and strong. I KNOW I can!

The same kind of attention – placed on ANY desired intention – will also produce its own results as long as the attention and focus is there until it manifests into being. Ernest Holmes taught Practitioners to “treat until we get results” (SOM prayer work is referred to as spiritual mind treatment). The recommendation is to pray/treat daily for what you choose to create in your life…and then release that prayer so the Universal Law or God can go to work on your request to bring it into experience. It can be about Love, Abundance, Wellness, Joy, Peace, etc. – unlimited possibilities abound.

Whatever you can focus on, whatever you believe you can do in your life, have faith about it …until it comes into manifestation…until it comes into your experience. Wayne Dyer said: “Believe it and you will see it!” Too often we give up on ourselves for the Good that we desire and start complaining and worrying so much that we end up creating those exact worries and fears instead. So, I ask again, What do you believe?

“Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.” -M.K. Gandhi

I know…I believe…that wherever and whatever I put my focus on in a consistent and earnest manner, with a focus to experience Good, must eventually manifest in my life. No doubt in my mind, my heart or my prayers. And I’ve got the fingernails to prove it!