P is for Prayer and Patience … Spirituality A to Z

Here’s what I’ve learned about Prayer: the answer comes in its own time. That’s where Patience enters and is of great value. I’ve heard it said that we receive “all good things in all good time.” Yet there’s a part of me (perhaps in everyone?) that doesn’t like waiting…period. However, waiting can be good for me. There are lessons to be learned.

One of the key things I recognize when I am waiting, seemingly too long, is that perhaps my prayers, my asking for or declaring my Good, have not been specific enough. Sometimes they are not passionate enough. Sometimes I’ve forgotten to pray altogether about that specific thing I desire to experience. I think God should just “know” what I want without my asking and in that I forget the rules of creation. The turmoil I put myself through (I blame my ego for that), while trying to be patient, acts as a trigger – a reminder – that I haven’t done sufficient prayer work. It’s very humbling and necessary to get me back on-track.

praying_concrete_handsWhile one of my personal and ongoing intentions is to live such that my life is a constant prayer, to keep my conscious awareness focused on the Spiritual Reality, on God, I know it is absolutely necessary to pray aloud …to say the words with earnestness. This allows my mind and heart to hear what is inside me seeking to express in the world. Prayer allows my God-self to have a voice in the creation of my life and experiences. Prayer always overcomes the negative or fearful thoughts of an impatient ego self. Prayer drowns out those limiting habits.

A tool that has helped keep me focused on doing consistent prayer work (spiritual treatment) is to maintain a daily “gratitude list.” This list reminds me of all the Good already in my life and which I desire to experience more of…and so I pray for that. This list provides a road map of what I’ve been doing and where I want to go; it helps to set intentions to create more Good in my future…and so I pray to do what I can in the time I have. This list includes the people in my life and their impact on me, to teach me what they came to offer…and so I pray to learn.

As the gratitude list continues through weeks and months and years, I get to see patterns of where I am still stuck and where I’ve grown. I can also see where Patience has played a part – whether I have been serene as life unfolded at its necessary pace or where my ego has messed up the process with its insistent impatience. The lessons are everywhere! The patterns reveal where I have work to do and where I have succeeded. I like success, so I pay attention and pray for more Patience.

Creation and life’s experiences happen at Spirit-speed – whether it takes a microsecond, a decade, or a lifetime to manifest. I know my prayer, the clarity and passion of my words and thoughts, my conviction and beliefs, are all part of the formula for whatever transpires. So I take time to consciously pray each day…to reflect on the progress made in my life and activities through the gentle passage of time.

The combination of Prayer and Patience brings Peace within and many other gifts. I highly recommend the practice…and pray you experience empowering results. And so it is.

Great Expectations

You wouldn’t think that the turning of a calendar page would make that much difference. The exception is the transition from the last day of the year to the first. Starting another year seems to open up people to all kinds of new possibilities. Suddenly, within 24 hours, life is filled with great expectations of promise and potential. I can feel it in myself as well.

My focus is on what lies ahead. I am invigorated with the possibilities of what I might create, where I may go, who will introduce themselves into my life, and how the world will unfold. As I tend to be a bit of a techno-geek, I’m truly interested in what software, gadgets and conveniences will be revealed to the world in the next few months. Besides the people and things that will come into my life, I also get to look forward to how I will grow and express as who I Am.

The eternal supply of ideas that comes into my brain is sure to drop a few into the soil of my conscious mind and passionate heart. Those plans that have not yet been developed need to remain strong and sturdy to root more deeply in creation…in thought. For example, I reviewed a few pages from a 2007 journal to discover seedling ideas that still merit development, but that I had put on the back burner so long ago, they’ve nearly dried up in the dark recesses of my memory. It’s a good thing I write some things down!

It’s not only the promising expectations of “doing” that capture my attention, but also the potential of who or what I will become (“be”). A recent meditation, in which I was directed to ask Divine Intelligence for gifts that would greatly benefit me on the next stage of my journey, resulted in three key characteristics I thought I already possessed…at least to some degree…but apparently am still in short supply of having: maturity, patience, and humility.

Not only did Spirit provide the answer with amazing speed, but as it caused my ego edgy discomfort and a bit of argument, my heart knew it was the correct answer. Yes, I have focused on deepening these characteristics in recent years and have made great progress. But are we ever really finished? If we’re honest with ourselves, there is always something more we can do to be a better human in this world.

I have great expectations of myself, it’s true. As I make my way into a new (dual) career move, give some attention to personal projects, spend time with family and friends, continue to create a life and home I love, and learn how to have balance in my life, the development of these three, strong characteristics will be at the forefront of my mind.

All of creation starts with a thought…and this, for today, is mine.