Creative Intelligence

I’m continually amazed at the way Creation takes form. While I know, with every fiber of my being, that we all have access to this incredible and intelligent Creative Power, I still get giddy when a new (and brilliant!) idea comes to mind. It’s like asking for guidance and then having a special secret revealed to me alone. The best part is that, as I allow an idea to enter my active, receptive consciousness, then decide if I want to act on it, and the more willing I am to open myself to this Creative Intelligence, the greater the flow of ideas that keeps coming to me. There is NO END to this supply!

Therefore, it can be deduced that, if there is no end to this supply of ideas, then the only limiting factor in this equation is me… my openness to receive them or the intelligence to recognize their value; my energy level to pursue them; my aptitude or connections to bring them into form. Me.

Once I recognize this, what do I want to do about it? I believe I have the choice and the responsibility for these gifts, these creative ideas that desire to express through me. Yes, I have free will and can choose on what I will place my attention. Yes, I can choose to express an idea in any number of ways or I can make its journey into form nothing but drudgery and chore, resisting the creative urge that will not be silenced. I may choose how I will express its creation, but its expression will be birthed. Yet I create nothing on my own. I do not even create my next breath – that is done for me, too. There is Divine Life, Spiritual Force, within each of us that supports and guides, inspires and expresses through us in unlimited ways and ideas.

The range of ideas can be anything: learning to play an instrument, having a loving relationship with your spouse or grandchild, designing a product or service that benefits others, providing leadership or support to an organization, writing an essay or a book, planning a special vacation, starting a business, training a pet, advancing your education, or whatever. This, and so much more, are possibilities that exist in Life. A spark of an idea can ignite anytime, anywhere. There is a Divine Intelligence guiding each creative spark. It knows exactly who and what is the proper match to bring that spark into full flame. The ideas can come easily. You must be willing to receive them.

How do you bring ideas into form? One option is to share it, to partner with someone who is better equipped to bring it into form. Another way is to acknowledge the idea, note it, and consider it for creation at another time. My favorite is when I can see the idea – in a split second – from its inception all the way to its complete form and delivery to the world. Those are the ones that produce such energy in my body and mind that the project becomes an obsession until its creation is complete.

Through every step of the process, I pray for God’s guidance and direction, and I listen for the answers. It’s just easier that way. Pray with me: I am open to the Creative Intelligence of Life, of Spirit. I am a receptacle for Divine Inspiration. I feel the power of Creation expressing through me! I know it is for Good and that it is coming from Divine Intelligence. I need not question it. I know this is mine to do. And so it is.

Intention. Attention. Anticipation. Success.

The weeks leading up to the Christmas holiday season are filled with anticipation on many levels. Children write letters or lists for Santa and parents. Adults shop, bake or arrange outings. Friends and family travel or prepare for guests to arrive. Then, the New Year follows close behind and brings its own forms of anticipation. Whether there are special parties to attend or to host, resolutions to concentrate on, or decorations and packages to store away, many of us breathe a sigh of relief as the old year comes to an end and the new one begins. A fresh start.

We ask ourselves, “what next?” and prepare for change. This expectancy can be a feeling of welcome and excitement or one of fear and dread. We wonder what the new year will bring, because we recognize that with passing time, we WILL change. Life will provide a challenge to stimulate our learning. We will have another birthday. We might notice a change in our energy level, health or hair color (more gray?). Our children will grow. Friends move to and fro. People die. Babies are born. Everyone will become more knowledgeable in some way as we face change in life. The preference is to choose the desired change (or your response to it) rather than to sit idly by, waiting for whatever might befall you.

Anticipation often includes a feeling of hope or something you look forward to. Intention has to do with having a purpose in mind, an aim that guides your actions, to set a plan in motion (one that has certain objectives). Clear intentions are generally followed with the anticipation of success. However, anticipation alone, without any set intention in mind…while you might feel good for a time…soon fizzles in the fog.  Success in achieving your goals and objectives increases substantially when your intentions are determined first, aligned with your prayers and practical applications (attention), and energized with anticipation.

Anticipation requires active intention (a form of participation) to see the manifestation of the desire. True, something could manifest the way you anticipate without your having to physically do anything toward its creation. The act of anticipating, of focusing your mental energy on the desired outcome…and certainly a lesser form of attention than if you get physically involved in the creation process, such as pick up a hammer, write a goal statement, take a class, etc… could result in something being created, but in what form? 

To create what you truly desire, to bring something into existence (manifestation), requires: 1)  intention; 2) attention; and 3) anticipation, all working together to create the ultimate form – whether that form is a new job, a piece of art, creating a home, developing a relationship, writing an article, or experiencing a more positive attitude and new year.

Anticipation alone? Well, that’s like waiting for Santa to show up and bring you the one present you’ve always secretly wanted, but have never even put on your list; there’s bound to be disappointment. But add intention and attention to the equation of creating the life you envision, and some degree of success will always occur, if only that you learn from mistakes to improve your choices, grow awareness, or sharpen your clarity. Pray…and then do your part. Treat…and move your feet.

Intention. Attention. Anticipation. Success. Happy New Year!

Open at the Top

On a recent trip the airline flights were peppered with a variety of weather patterns. The conditions ranged from sunny to snowfall, with spatters of clouds, cold, wind, fog, and rain between. Shelter was readily available. No accidents occurred; only delays…and surprises.

The best surprise arrived during a flight heading north, away from grey fog, cold rain, and gusty winds. The plane climbed in altitude. It arrived in a clear and sunlit world above a puffy land of white clouds, blue sky, and blinding sunshine. I felt my body offer a joyful breath of relief as the plane travelled most of its journey in this bright heaven. I also noticed how my mind relaxed. My initial thought was, “This is what it means to rise above conditions and be ‘open at the top.’ ” Here is how the world and our challenges look when we take them to prayer.

As we connect with Divine Mind and move into Higher Consciousness, a more expansive perspective is possible. We can make this shift in perception through meditation, art, singing or just staring out the window of an airplane miles above the earth. While the details of life need to be addressed in this worldly existence where we live, move, and express our being, the importance of the minutia needn’t consume our every thought. Actually, the more often you visit this elevated viewpoint, the less impact the details may have on your psyche. You may find yourself willing to release control on tightly-gripped projects, allow trusted others to make decisions on your behalf, or just go along with the flow of life.

An “open at the top” mindset allows you to express your individuality and for others to express theirs; for all to accept and allow. It provides you with a new avenue of information to enhance your thinking. Such an experience gives you the opportunity to live an expanded life, in physical expression as well as in consciousness.  You can find serenity in the midst of a crowded airplane during a turbulent flight. You can experience peace within while a family gathering is displaying chaos and confusion around you. In fact, you may find such bliss in prayer that all other experiences so pale in comparison you won’t want your prayer time to end! It doesn’t need to.

Every thought is a prayer. Every loving act of life an expression of God’s presence. Every idea an inspiration of Spirit. Unless you are paying attention, unless you are open to even the most common of experiences, you might miss the messages of that still small voice…

Be open. Be inspired. Be surprised!

Who Am I, Really?

I discovered a simple practice recently – a meditation of sorts – while preparing for sleep. After removing clothing and work jewelry, bathing and teeth-brushing, I paused in the darkness and quiet of the bedroom. My fingers touched my wedding rings and, for whatever reason, I removed them. I then took out the one earring stud I always wear. And lastly, even I find this hard to admit; lastly I put down my cell phone. In that moment, I sensed relief. I stood in the silence, closed my eyes, and allowed myself to feel a weightlessness move throughout my body, detached from any material possessions.

There in the darkness, I asked the question, “Who am I really?” My professional wardrobe, titles and the way I present myself describe how I live in the world, the work I do, the education I’ve attained. My rings define the relationship with my spouse and, in some respects, indicate the parenthood role I’ve filled for most of my life. The earring stud is symbolic of my rebel side, birthed in teenage years and ever-present…as is my tattoo but not so easily removed (or seen). And the cell phone, this ‘smart’ device, is my constant connection to the world, my cyber companion. It’s how I stay plugged in to everyone and everything I care about. The phone is with me everywhere, at all times, and it is the most difficult possession to put down.

The question remains, “Who am I really?” Without all the trappings and jewelry and titles and symbols, without all the electronics, usernames and passwords, how do I define myself? How would I introduce myself to God? My name, bestowed on me by my parents, is simply a human label, helpful in this realm of living. So I immediately released any attachment to my name, which allowed me to let go of my entire past. In my mind’s eye, as my name disappeared, so did my body. All that was left was a buzzing awareness… alone with the Divine Presence of the One Mind. Only the present moment. I breathed.

This blissful state of being was my answer. I am consciousness and energy. I am love and joy and compassion. In this state of awareness, I am truly an expression of God. There is only God. There is nothing else. There doesn’t need to be.

In this state of connection to my true Source of Life, all relationships, though temporary on this plane, are holy and precious; we all come from the same Source. This awareness can resolve any difficulty, forgive any person, release any unpleasant experience, or heal any hurt feelings. Our earthly relationships give us opportunities to grow in consciousness and to practice being God-like. Some of us need a lifetime to get it right; others, not so much.

Yes, I’m still here. I still have work to do. And I am grateful for the glimpse of who I really am.