U is for Unification … Spirituality A to Z

Unification is an interesting word. It brings to my mind the ideas of connection, harmony, and just plain ol’ getting along with one another about things. This getting-along idea can be from something as simple as agreeing with someone about where to go for lunch…or…the next step in the vision of creating a corporation.

The concept of Unification – or unifying – does not mean we all do things the same way, with the same intensity, or via the same methods or skills. It does mean that we hold in consciousness a common purpose, vision or goal. It means we’re walking the same highway (bigger than a path) toward a greater expression of who we are and what we intend to accomplish. It means we do our best toward a common goal. It means the whole is greater than the individual parts. And Unification lends itself to having objectivity about the union.

When people connect or come together to work on a project, the object of their attention is what unifies them. For example, when I’ve had the opportunity to sing with an experienced choir or group, the song and its harmonies are where the attention is placed. It’s not about me or the person next to me or the musicians who support the singers. The song is the focus. The notes are what holds the song together and every person to the song. When all are striving for Unification, each singer performs their part with passion and skill; each is uniquely qualified for what they’re contributing to the whole piece. The perfect result is the quality of the song coming from such combined and passionate talents.

When everyone contributes for the highest and best of the desired music, the results are positive and the notes are glorious. It touches people’s hearts and emotions. It unifies the musicians and singers to the audience. The energy is palpable. It can bring people to tears and joy. We are connected in that moment. Unified in Spirit and song…hoping it will go on indefinitely. No one wants it to end!

However, there are times when we get in the way of this perfection and unity and the circle of Life unfolding. Emerson said we are to “…take our bloated nothingness out of the path of the divine circuits.” Good advice.

When we share a project with others, there’s likely to be someone in charge, someone who is directing or has the “big picture” in mind and can guide each person toward its final creation. This dynamic takes cooperation and surrender on everyone’s part, in turn. It means stepping up to do your share or assisting others to do theirs. I love collaborating with passionate and inspiring people to create something so much bigger or greater than I could imagine on my own, and have their positive input and assistance in the endeavor as well.

Yet even if we’re creating a project on our own in the privacy of our minds or the solace of a solitary space, there must be a unifying effort with the Divine Spirit within. I find my personal projects, goals, and dreams have a much higher success rate when I listen to the “still small voice within” to guide me…rather than my bloated ego.

Unification is indeed about harmony and cooperation. It’s about staying connected to a guiding Presence for a greater Good. Unity of one another. Unity with the One.