S is for Spirit & Space … Spirituality A to Z

Whether it’s the beginning of a new year or a new day, the awareness of new moments in life allows us to connect with the Divine Space within…also known as Spirit or God.

Even if that pause is but a microsecond of time, such a pause in consciousness allows us the opportunity to birth a new way of thinking. I’ve noticed that I can fill that pause, that space, with joy, love, awe, gratitude or wonder… or something else. I can choose to bask in this space of Spiritual connection or skip over it and ignore its existence.

Years ago I didn’t even know such a space existed. As I’ve become more aware of the Divine Energy that is me at my deepest core, the void where Spirit lives has expanded and continues to do so. There’s a part of me that notices my God-Self getting bigger and in control of my thinking processes. It’s moving aside more of my ego-self, replacing survival instincts with eternal knowing. Fear is losing ground to Faith and Trust.

I like this change in control. I’m now aware that my life is directed with a positive power that creates for my highest and best good. As I learn to pause in the Spiritual space, the void of creation, and listen for Divine Guidance to speak through me and direct my worldly actions, I live with no regrets. I have more confidence in the decisions I make and feel the Presence of God supporting my every step.

It’s only when I get in the way of this Infinite Intelligence that life goes awry. When I don’t take the time to pause and be aware of that still small voice – whether to move forward in a new direction or to wait longer for the proper moment – that’s when I question my actions. It’s then that I notice, sometimes too late, other options that would have been far better for my life and the people around me.

Just as there is space between musical notes, garden crops, atoms, and the stars and planets, we need to have space in our thinking and in our lives. It provides room for Spirit to live. It allows ideas to expand and come into form. Space gives us time to rest and a sense of peace. Space provides balance and freedom of movement …to turn around and see where we’ve come from as well as where we’re going.

There is no such thing as wasted space or negative space. It serves a vital purpose in creation. Space is where ideas are born. It’s where God is. The more room I make for Spirit in my life, the bigger my life and my consciousness becomes. Oh, happy day!