
When I was growing up, “discipline” did not have the same meaning it does for me today. Back then it meant punishment for something I did wrong, a harsh consequence for breaking rules. Today, thank goodness, it means a dedication or conscious practice to something significant, something meaningful in my life.

There are many activities or skill-building actions that require discipline before one is able to attain any sort of mastery or a level of success. Areas of skill involved can include mental focus, time management, financial resources, new ideas (or distractions), relationships, etc. The discipline is in the “stick-to-it-ive-ness” of the practice…to keep going toward a desired goal even when it’s boring, repetitive or frustrating. Discipline can also be exciting, confidence-building and stimulating as you witness your skills and practice being honed to a higher level and, thus, become the new starting point for even greater accomplishments.

I’ll be the first one to admit that my interests are varied, my skills diverse.  As a result, my focus can shift from one project to another in a short period of time (within days, even hours and minutes), depending on what it is. This capability can be quite useful in my professional environment and work projects. However, it can also be frustrating when my intent is to accomplish just one thing and do it well, within a given period of time, but am instead directed elsewhere. The discipline is in returning to my original focus and intention as quickly as possible…and not giving up.

The doing of something well, through repetition, eventually becomes a discipline of another sort – a hobby, profession or expertise. The constant practice becomes a part of who you are and is done so well, so easily, that you no longer give much thought to the ‘how’ of it…you just do it. For example, I was taught to “always leave ‘it’ better than you found it”…whatever that ‘it’ might be…a campsite, a rented house or apartment, the world, a relationship, a job. This direction or discipline is now a part of who I am and I can do no less than my best. It says something about my integrity, credibility, commitment and quality of being, of my service to life (mine and others). I’ve also discovered that this is not a common practice in the world, which, I believe, makes it even more important that I continue in this manner, and teach and encourage this lesson to all who have ears to hear, starting with those closest to me (family).

I recognize that there are still many areas where concerted discipline will improve and expand my skills and consciousness…to enlarge my life. There is always room to grow!


It is written in the Science of Mind textbook (Ernest Holmes) that “We must not be lukewarm in our conviction. We must know that we know.” (p. 159.4) Whether the conviction relates to our faith or spiritual understanding, or whether it’s about a direction or goal toward which we’re working, conviction is the solid knowing of a truth for our lives. It’s concrete, definite and specific.

Can our convictions be tested? You bet! When new evidence, doubt or confusion arises in the face of what you know (or thought you knew) to be true, this new information may well change (or slightly modify) your conviction. Holmes tells us that “This faith [in God] can exist only in such degree as the conviction is in line with Reality.” (p.285.4)  The foundation upon which you base your conviction or faith must truly be rock solid and steadfast if it is to stand the test of time, doubt, criticism, etc. You can feel conviction when its presence is known; there is absolute clarity in thought and an energy that never diminishes. It is a power of the Universe that can create the unformed through your word.

Recently I was sharing a business concept with a friend of mine, someone I can rely on to be honest, forthright, and diligent in uncovering the pitfalls of an idea, as well as extremely supportive and inspiring in problem-solving issues. She is such a strong and intelligent woman that I often found myself wavering before her questions when I shared a project goal or business dream with her. I easily buckled to her opinion and, on occasion, a dream would fade under her bright light of scrutiny and never come into being…up until now. I’m determined that this dream succeed and so I require someone of her intensity and wisdom to help me see where I haven’t looked deep enough. And she did that for me. Only this time, I have an attitude of gratitude for her special gifts.

My conviction, my faith, in this new dream has been ‘birthing’ itself for more than five years (in my head and heart). The conviction has taken hold and gives me strength to express in words what I see in my mind. Only recently was I moved to start putting my dream down in words, on paper, because, as we know, “…word gives form to the unformed.” (SOM, p.476.2)  The business idea still has much work to be done to achieve success. Other participants must be sought for their expertise. The idea, the words on the paper, can be modified, added, edited, changed, perfected…but my conviction to see it through is palatable. “Just words, without conviction have no power, and just conviction, without words, will never stir up latent energy.” (SOM, p.476.2) Trust me, the stirring has begun!

Behind the idea, the words, and the desire to create this business entity and project, is a power I cannot contain. It is the driving force that has been welling up inside me these many years. It is conviction to this cause, a firm belief in this higher purpose, that this idea will become a Reality in the world. The form will change as it evolves and grows. That is as it should be. “The tree that does not bend with the wind will be broken by the wind.” – Mandarin Chinese proverb.

Although I have  the idea and a plan, I do not know what the final result (Reality) of my dream looks like. It is an exciting time! I only know that it is much bigger than I alone can do. I am grateful for the people it has attracted; their enthusiasm is growing. More will come. But without conviction…the dream, the possibility, the desire to bring this idea into form… it will never become the Reality it has been waiting to be. This I do know!


Many of the prayers Jesus spoke (according to the Bible) began with “thank you.” A prayer of thanks or gratitude is a good practice to follow, especially when life is not manifesting according to plan.

Before I even rise from the bed, I begin my day with the acknowledgement and gratitude of waking up to another day. I breathe. I am alive. There are mornings when I awake in time to see the pink of sunrise or the afterglow of the full moon before the dawn. The exhaustion I felt the night before has been erased and my energy is restored; for that alone I am thankful. Shortly thereafter, I am lovingly served a cup of coffee by my husband and together we share a spiritual reading that gives us a common focus and consideration. I often find it difficult to leave this morning space of sharing, appreciation, and loving companionship.

Whether the day is filled with special tasks, heavy chores, professional responsibilities, or fun activities, you and I get to choose how we will attend to such matters and with what frame of mind. An “attitude of gratitude” can make any situation lighter and your awareness more positive.

The stress of a hard day at the office can be replaced with gratitude for employment. Disgruntled thoughts about a long commute home in the snow quickly disappear when you see a homeless person sleeping on a sidewalk in the midst of winter. The pressure of bills to pay can subside when a paycheck is automatically deposited into your bank account. Feelings of loneliness quickly disappear in the hugs of a grandchild. Even if the starting point of gratitude is being thankful for your breath, for life, for the food you’ve just eaten or the shelter in which you live, it can be enough to change thoughts of lack into appreciation for what exists. Once gratitude is felt and embodied, that feeling of abundance, in its smallest form, can magnify what is present and attract even more Good into your life.

Meister Eckhart is credited with saying that, if the only prayer we ever said was “thank you” – that would be enough. I say, he’s right. There’s far too much complaining going on. I know I must be constantly vigilant in this matter. It’s time to appreciate all we have in our lives – past, present, and future possibilities. Every moment is the right time to express sincere gratitude. And in so doing, watch and experience our worlds attract greater good and expand beyond our wildest imaginings!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


The New Year’s holiday is a already a fading memory, the Super Bowl is done, and there’s a bit of a lull before the next big holiday sneaks up on us. In recent moments of reflection, I realized that (1) my husband and I have a special wedding anniversary coming up in May; (2) my desire to start a new business will soon become a reality; and (3) devotion to my spiritual journey and expression grows deeper every day. All of these reflections have at least one trait in common – commitment.

I believe everyone knows and expresses commitment in some way, most assuredly to an interest or passion that gives them joy, something which they have a part in creating. Such effort is relatively easy to give in such a case, even if challenges occur along the way – you keep going. However, there are some situations in life that we are not always able to end exactly when we want. It takes conscious and concerted effort to give positive attention to something that no longer makes your soul sing.

One meaning of “commitment” is to pledge or vow, a gift of the mind and heart to give of ourselves willingly to what we love or cherish. Another meaning is that of obligation, when a task is required out of duty or responsibility. A person can grow through duty, whether you enjoy the experience or not. It can take time to appreciate the experience, to look back on it eventually with fondness at the growth that occurred.

I’ve come to know that the greatest commitment we can make is to our own soul’s journey, to become the grandest expression of who we are or can become. In the words of George Bernard Shaw: “I want to be thoroughly used up when I die…” I want to explore all my talents and develop those I haven’t discovered yet… to fill my mind with the great wisdoms of the world… to love life, family and serve my community… to allow Spirit to express through and as the best me possible.

My commitment to Self, in this manner, in no way robs anyone of anything. In fact, it requires that I give more of myself to the world, for the Good of all and me. The Master Teacher, Jesus, taught “As you give, you receive.”

Commitment…dedication…focus…truly has its own rewards.

Well Being

There is nothing like experiencing a health challenge, no matter how minor, to bring your focus of attention within. Within to the workings of your body. Within to your own consciousness about the experience and the duration. Within to pray that true healing is revealed, to pray for well being.

I like the term – well being – as a way to describe how I am and who I am. I am a well being. At the core of my body, my consciousness, my soul, I am well. I know in the deepest recesses of my mind that my circumstance is absolutely perfect – and that I’ll recognize how perfect it is at some point on this journey, sooner or later. A bit of physical discomfort cannot diminish the essence of me – a Spiritual expression in form…a being.

As I describe myself as “being,” it removes the worldly tags and labels so often associated with people in this life. Not a woman or man, professional or laborer, old or young…simply, a being. That word puts us all on an even keel, doesn’t it? And thinking of myself in this manner reaffirms the nature I wish to demonstrate: wellness, non-judging, balanced, open, and accepting. It declares that I AM, that my reason to exist is to express who I am – being me, with all my human characteristics, habits and uniqueness, is enough

Can you sense the difference and the potential it attracts? A Well Being vs. a woman with a nagging and minor health condition? When we think of ourselves as always well, we have the possibility of experiencing healing, positive results, recovery, and perfect health.

In the abundance of this great Universe, even the meaning of what constitutes “health” is variable beyond the space of these lines. So, too, does “wellness” expand the definition as it encompasses more than the physical, emotional, and spiritual. It includes all the Good of what we conceive Life to be and have within it. Thus, declaring to be a Well Being attracts to us all those possibilities we might neglect to list with our narrow minds.

Be open to attracting the unlimited possibilities of life and expressing as a Well Being. You are one with Life! Rejoice.


Everything and everyone in creation has value, either to some thing, some process or experience, or someone else. Interestingly, it is our individual judgment or opinion that determines the value of whatever we’re considering.

While we may decide something is “bad”  now, we could just as easily determine (after a time and deep reflection) that it really was “good” to have had that person, thing or situation in our lives when it appeared. The goal, especially as one becomes more spiritually aware of the Oneness and overall Good of the Universe, is to see the benefit in all things as it is happening.

For example, consider this scenario: Perhaps you really don’t like your job anymore. First, acknowledge that you do have employment (good). The money is necessary for life and you get paid regularly (good!), but the satisfaction has diminished or disappeared (judged as bad). Although it’s been hard work amidst lots of company politics (bad), the skills you gained in your position have increased your professional worth (good) and you are respected in your field (more good). You know your work so well, that most days you can show up, do your business, and not feel stressed at all! But you miss the challenge. What do you do? You have several choices.

  1. You can continue on this current path and be satisfied with the good there is, as it is.
  2. You can complain about your job to anyone who will listen and attract that very same negativity into your life, perhaps resulting in your termination and loss of wages – before you’re ready for such a change.
  3. You can look for additional challenges (projects or other positions – in the company or elsewhere) that would test and grow you to another level; releasing the status quo and creating in another area…be of more service.
  4. You could develop interests outside your work and on which you could focus your excess energy, perhaps creating a whole new business, profession or personal outlet for yourself.
  5. Or…you could do any combination of these and more!

We all have a choice in how we respond to Life…to the Good that is all around us..to the very thoughts we think. Since it can be difficult and confusing to judge our own life experiences as to what is good or bad, we do well not to spend too much (or any) time, energy or thought judging others. We can never really know the full benefit, the good, of their experiences. We need to be concerned only with our own. It’s often just a matter of actually looking for the Good and being Grateful for what we DO have.

Gratitude is the best antidote for “the blues” or the “less than” feelings we sometimes bring to the surface of our consciousness. Gratitude for what already exists, starting with our very breath, life, and acknowledging everything else in our field of existence. It’s not always easy; we often like to place the blame for our bad situations elsewhere. Stop! An “Attitude of Gratitude” coupled with earnest prayer can do wonders to turn the day around and help us see the value in everyone and everything we experience in Life. Isn’t that what you would really rather experience?

Life happens…and it really is ALL good!

Creative Intelligence

I’m continually amazed at the way Creation takes form. While I know, with every fiber of my being, that we all have access to this incredible and intelligent Creative Power, I still get giddy when a new (and brilliant!) idea comes to mind. It’s like asking for guidance and then having a special secret revealed to me alone. The best part is that, as I allow an idea to enter my active, receptive consciousness, then decide if I want to act on it, and the more willing I am to open myself to this Creative Intelligence, the greater the flow of ideas that keeps coming to me. There is NO END to this supply!

Therefore, it can be deduced that, if there is no end to this supply of ideas, then the only limiting factor in this equation is me… my openness to receive them or the intelligence to recognize their value; my energy level to pursue them; my aptitude or connections to bring them into form. Me.

Once I recognize this, what do I want to do about it? I believe I have the choice and the responsibility for these gifts, these creative ideas that desire to express through me. Yes, I have free will and can choose on what I will place my attention. Yes, I can choose to express an idea in any number of ways or I can make its journey into form nothing but drudgery and chore, resisting the creative urge that will not be silenced. I may choose how I will express its creation, but its expression will be birthed. Yet I create nothing on my own. I do not even create my next breath – that is done for me, too. There is Divine Life, Spiritual Force, within each of us that supports and guides, inspires and expresses through us in unlimited ways and ideas.

The range of ideas can be anything: learning to play an instrument, having a loving relationship with your spouse or grandchild, designing a product or service that benefits others, providing leadership or support to an organization, writing an essay or a book, planning a special vacation, starting a business, training a pet, advancing your education, or whatever. This, and so much more, are possibilities that exist in Life. A spark of an idea can ignite anytime, anywhere. There is a Divine Intelligence guiding each creative spark. It knows exactly who and what is the proper match to bring that spark into full flame. The ideas can come easily. You must be willing to receive them.

How do you bring ideas into form? One option is to share it, to partner with someone who is better equipped to bring it into form. Another way is to acknowledge the idea, note it, and consider it for creation at another time. My favorite is when I can see the idea – in a split second – from its inception all the way to its complete form and delivery to the world. Those are the ones that produce such energy in my body and mind that the project becomes an obsession until its creation is complete.

Through every step of the process, I pray for God’s guidance and direction, and I listen for the answers. It’s just easier that way. Pray with me: I am open to the Creative Intelligence of Life, of Spirit. I am a receptacle for Divine Inspiration. I feel the power of Creation expressing through me! I know it is for Good and that it is coming from Divine Intelligence. I need not question it. I know this is mine to do. And so it is.

Faith and Belief

“If there’s one person who can do anything, it’s you!” said my son’s fiancé as we shared morning coffee during an unexpected day off for both of us. I needed to hear it. For a moment I borrowed her Faith and Belief in me to support my own wavering confidence. Where had Belief in myself gone? Does it ever really leave a person – or – just get pushed down and covered up by doubt and fear?

In the Science of Mind philosophy, “Belief” is defined as “conviction or feeling of the truth of a proposition or condition…Belief may go no farther than intellectual assent while Faith embodies a trust and confidence.” (SOM Textbook/Glossary, p.577) Given this definition, I looked up Faith a few pages away. It states “Faith is a mental attitude, so inwardly embodied that the mind can no longer deny it…” (SOM, p.591)

They work hand-in-hand. So I interpret it this way:  Belief in yourself, in your goals, or an expanded life vision, is a conscious act of affirmative thinking that, held in Mind long enough, grows into a Faith to sustain the activities until achievement is finally realized.

Based on my own experience, I know Belief can waiver in its intensity. It’s like a seed that needs the proper soil, sun, water and tending to fully develop into a healthy plant. The care continues. The plant (Belief) grows stronger until it can stand on its own with little conscious tending. The energy behind its growth is no longer totally dependent on daily nurturing. It takes on a life of its own, a strength and confidence (Faith) that it will mature, blossom and produce its fruit. That is what it was created for; that is all it can or will do.

How much simpler would our lives be if we could hold in mind what our purpose is long enough for it to manifest into form? If we could hold the Belief until it grew into Faith so that the fruit of our efforts could be born? Some do. Some do not. Often our brilliant ideas are abandoned and left to die for lack of nurturing. Our Belief is choked out by the weeds of doubt and fear and judgment and criticism. We can remove those weeds with prayer, persistence, courage and trust. A little attention each day to our vision, our idea, can keep it growing until it’s either evident that a better idea is taking its place – or – until Faith steps up with the energy to carry it through to its success.

There are a number of ways to bring your mind from doubt to Belief to Faith. Today, it was simply believing in the Belief someone else had for me, long enough to pull up some negative thoughts and get on with nurturing my life. What you focus on does grow!

First Things First

The first days of a new year can stir up so much in one’s psyche. The excitement of something new or starting over or beginnings of various kinds can either bring a person’s mind into focus of what needs to be addressed – or – the excitement can be a distraction. Keeping “First Things First” at the forefront can help you sort out what needs to happen next.

I first started using this slogan as a calming method many years ago. I found myself getting overwhelmed with all my busyness and caretaking activities; things that often were not mine to do. I could waste valuable mental energy planning scenarios, making lists, and not really accomplishing what needed to be done in the moment. By repeating this slogan during times of stress or overwhelm, it helped me regain focus of what was really important to do, see or be in that moment. I could breathe easier, clear my head, and attend to my project or task with efficiency and successful completion. I still use this method today, although much more easily and quickly.

The difference I see now is the types of stirrings that require a “First Things First” practice. Where before my focus was on concerns and what needed to be done for others, now it’s keeping myself from taking on too much at once. As those who know me can attest, I have many interests and a lot of energy! When I get a new idea to pursue, addressing the daily tasks can be a challenge. Like a brand new toy at Christmas, I want to play with the latest gadgets, the new ideas…not the old stuff that’s been around forever.

Yet, it’s the old stuff that has brought me to this point and allows me to appreciate and recognize the new. Awareness grows. Life experiences build wisdom. Beliefs are refined. Knowledge is obtained. Thinking expands. Comfort is found. And another new idea blossoms to stir the excitement again.

I know what it looks like when a chicken is running around with no head. Being overwhelmed can be like that – or worse! There’s a rhythm to life; we know this.  “First Things First” helps keep me in Life’s pulse so I can express to my fullest. It’s my friendly reminder of how to stay in sync with the Universe so that as many as possible of my new ideas can be born in their right time…one year after the next.

Happy New Beginnings!

Intention. Attention. Anticipation. Success.

The weeks leading up to the Christmas holiday season are filled with anticipation on many levels. Children write letters or lists for Santa and parents. Adults shop, bake or arrange outings. Friends and family travel or prepare for guests to arrive. Then, the New Year follows close behind and brings its own forms of anticipation. Whether there are special parties to attend or to host, resolutions to concentrate on, or decorations and packages to store away, many of us breathe a sigh of relief as the old year comes to an end and the new one begins. A fresh start.

We ask ourselves, “what next?” and prepare for change. This expectancy can be a feeling of welcome and excitement or one of fear and dread. We wonder what the new year will bring, because we recognize that with passing time, we WILL change. Life will provide a challenge to stimulate our learning. We will have another birthday. We might notice a change in our energy level, health or hair color (more gray?). Our children will grow. Friends move to and fro. People die. Babies are born. Everyone will become more knowledgeable in some way as we face change in life. The preference is to choose the desired change (or your response to it) rather than to sit idly by, waiting for whatever might befall you.

Anticipation often includes a feeling of hope or something you look forward to. Intention has to do with having a purpose in mind, an aim that guides your actions, to set a plan in motion (one that has certain objectives). Clear intentions are generally followed with the anticipation of success. However, anticipation alone, without any set intention in mind…while you might feel good for a time…soon fizzles in the fog.  Success in achieving your goals and objectives increases substantially when your intentions are determined first, aligned with your prayers and practical applications (attention), and energized with anticipation.

Anticipation requires active intention (a form of participation) to see the manifestation of the desire. True, something could manifest the way you anticipate without your having to physically do anything toward its creation. The act of anticipating, of focusing your mental energy on the desired outcome…and certainly a lesser form of attention than if you get physically involved in the creation process, such as pick up a hammer, write a goal statement, take a class, etc… could result in something being created, but in what form? 

To create what you truly desire, to bring something into existence (manifestation), requires: 1)  intention; 2) attention; and 3) anticipation, all working together to create the ultimate form – whether that form is a new job, a piece of art, creating a home, developing a relationship, writing an article, or experiencing a more positive attitude and new year.

Anticipation alone? Well, that’s like waiting for Santa to show up and bring you the one present you’ve always secretly wanted, but have never even put on your list; there’s bound to be disappointment. But add intention and attention to the equation of creating the life you envision, and some degree of success will always occur, if only that you learn from mistakes to improve your choices, grow awareness, or sharpen your clarity. Pray…and then do your part. Treat…and move your feet.

Intention. Attention. Anticipation. Success. Happy New Year!